Bibliografia Doutorado

Bibliografia Doutorado. 

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Ordem Alfabética por autor

BUZATO, Marcelo El Khouri. Professor de Linguistica Aplicada, Universidade de São Paulo
Linguagem & Tecnologias Novos letramentos/Multiletramentos Teoria Ator-Rede Cultura Digital 


Entre a Fronteira ea Periferia: linguagem e letramento na inclusão digital
MEK Buzato
Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas
Letramentos digitais e formação de professores
III Congresso Ibero-Americano EducaRede 29
Inclusão digital como invenção do quotidiano: um estudo de caso
MEK Buzato
Revista Brasileira de Educação 13 (18), 325-342
Entre a fronteira ea periferia: linguagem e letramento na inclusão digital. 2007. 285 f
Tese (Doutorado em Linguística Aplicada)-Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem ...
As (Outras) Quatro Habilidades/The Four (Other) Skills
MEK Buzato
Revista Digital de Tecnologia Educacional e Educação à Distância 1 (1)
Letramento digital e conhecimento
Portal do Educarede. Disponível em http://www. educarede. org. br/educa ...
Desafios empírico-metodológicos para a pesquisa em letramentos digitais
MEK Buzato
Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada 46 (1)
Can reading a robot derobotize a reader?
MEK Buzato
Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 49 (2), 359-372
Literacy and inclusion: from the nation-state to the age of ICT
MEK Buzato
DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 25 (1), 01-38
Digital inclusion as the practice of everyday life
MEK Buzato
Revista Brasileira de Educação 13 (38), 325-342
Cultural Perspectives on Digital Inclusion
The Conditions of Modern Return Migrants 10 (2), 262-280
Networked literacies: texts, machines, subjects and knowledges in translation
MEK Buzato
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada 12 (4), 783-809

COPE, BILL. Centre for Workplace Communication and Culture, 73 The Esplanade, Altona, VIC 3018, Australia.MARY KALANTZIS. Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services, RMIT, PO Box 71, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia.  Responsáveis pelo Scholar, the software application, is a Web-based social media environment for writing and assessment developed by an interdisciplinary research team led by education professors Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, who is also the dean of the College of Education.

  • Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope, Literacies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, 2012, 464pp.

  • Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis, ‘Multiliteracies: New Literacies, New Learning’, Pedagogies: An International Journal, Vol.4, 2009, pp.164-195.

  • Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis, ‘New Media, New Learning’, in D. R. Cole and D. L. Pullen (eds), Multiliteracies in Motion: Current Theory and Practice, Routledge, London, 2009, Chapter 5.

  • Kalantzis, Mary and Bill Cope, ‘Language Education and Multiliteracies, in Stephen May and Nancy H. Hornberger (Eds), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 1, Springer, 2008, pp.195-211. 

  • Kalantzis, Mary, Gella Varnarva-Skoura and Bill Cope (eds), Learning for the Future: New Worlds, New Literacies, New Learning, New People, Common Ground, Melbourne, 2002, 255pp. 

  • Kalantzis, Mary and Bill Cope (eds), Transformations in Language and Learning: Perspectives on Multiliteracies,Common Ground, Melbourne, 2001, 152pp. 

  • Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis (eds), Multiliteracies: Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures, Routledge, London, 2000, 350pp. 

  • Cope, Bill and Mary Kalantzis (eds), The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing, Falmer Press, London, and University of Pittsburgh Press, Pennsylvania, 1993, 286pp. 

  • Cloonan, Anne. 2010. "Technologies in Literacy Learning: A Case Study." e-Learning and Digital Media 7:248-257. 

  • Neville, Mary, Teaching Multimodal Literacy Using the Learning by Design Approach to Pedagogy: Case Studies from Selected Queensland Schools, Common Ground, Melbourne, 2008 
  • Kalantzis, Mary and Bill Cope, The Learning by Design Guide, Common Ground, Melbourne, 2006. 
  • Kalantzis, Mary, Bill Cope, and the Learning by Design Project Group, Learning by Design, Victorian Schools Innovation Commission, Melbourne, 2005. 

KNOBEL, Michele is a Professor of Education at Montclair State University (USA). Colin Lankshear is a freelance educational researcher and writer based in Mexico. TEORIA: conceito de letramento digital.

SOARES, Magda é Professora Titular Emérita da Faculdade de Educação da UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Pesquisadora do Centro de Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita - CEALE - da Faculdade de Educação da UFMG. Graduada em Letras, doutora e livre-docente em Educação. É autora de diversos livros.

Livros Publicados:

  • Português: uma proposta para o letramento. São Paulo: Moderna, 2002.
  • Alfabetização. Brasília: MEC/Inep/Comped, 2001.
  • Letramento: um tema em três gêneros. 1a.. ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 1998. v. 1. 190 p.
  • Literacy Assesment And Its Implications For Statistical Measurement. PARIS - TRADUÇÕES PARA O FRANC: UNESCO, 1992.
  • Metamemória, memórias: travessia de uma educadora. São Paulo: Cortez, 1991.
  • Português através de textos. São Paulo: Moderna, 1990. v. 4.
  • Alfabetizacao No Brasil: O Estado do Conhecimento. BRASILIA: INEP/REDUC, 1989. 00151 p.
  • Linguagem e Escola: Uma Perspectiva Social. SAO PAULO: ATICA, 1986. 00086 p.
  • Travessia: Tentativa de Um Discurso da Ideologia. BELO HORIZONTE: AMIGOS DO LIVRO, 1982. 00095 p.
  • CAMPOS, E. N. . Técnica de Redação: as articulações lingüísticas como técnica de pensamento. RIO DE JANEIRO: AO LIVRO TECNICO, 1978. 00191 p.
  • Comunicação em Língua Portuguesa (Coleção Didática - 4 Volumes). RIO DE JANEIRO: FRANCISCO ALVES, 1975.

SYNDER, Ilana research focuses on the changes to social, cultural and educational practices associated with children and young people's use of digital media in school and out-of-school settings. A particular interest is the complex connections between literacy, technology and disadvantage. Homepage.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2008, The Literacy Wars. Why teaching children to read and write is a battleground in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW Australia.
  • Snyder, I.A., Beavis, C. (eds), 2004, Doing Literacy Online: Teaching , Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, Hampton Press.
  • Snyder, I.A. (ed), 2002, Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, Routledge, New York USA.
  • Snyder, I.A., Beale, D., 2012, A modern PhD: Doctoral education in Australian universities in digital times, in The SAGE Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses, eds Richard Andrews, Erik Borg, Stephen Boyd Davis, Myrrh Domingo and Jude England, Sage, London United Kingdom, pp. 409-426.
  • Phillips, M., Tour, E., Henderson, M., Snyder, I.A., 2012, Giving research students a 'Second Life', in Effectively Implementing Information Communication Technology in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, eds Jim Peterson, Okhwa Lee, Tofazzal Islam, Matthew Piscioneri, Nova Science Publishers, New York New York United States of America, pp. 143-159.
  • Snyder, I.A., Marginson, S.W., Lewis, T., 2009, "An alignment of the planets": Mapping the intersections between pedagogy, technology and management in Australian universities, in The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education, eds Malcolm Tight, Ka Ho Mok, Jeroen Huisman & Christopher C. Morphew, Routledge, New York / London, pp. 109-121.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2009, Love them or loathe them: Navigating the literacy landscape in digital times (Portuguese title: 'Ame-os ou deixe-os: Navegando no panorama de letramentos em tempos digitais'), in Literacies on Web: Genres, Interaction and Teaching (Portuguese title: 'Letramentos na Web: Generos, Interacao e Ensino'), eds Julio Cesar Araujo and Messias Dieb, Edicoes UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil, pp. 23-46.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2009, Shuffling towards the future: the enduring dominance of book culture in literacy education, in The Future of Literacy Studies, eds Mike Baynham and Mastin Prinsloo, Palgrave Macmillan, USA, pp. 141-159.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2008, Research approaches to the study of literacy, technology and learning, in Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Second Edition. Vol. 10: Research Methods in Language and Education, eds Kendall A. King, Nancy H. Hornberger, Springer, New York, pp. 299-308.
  • Snyder, I.A., Bulfin, S.A., 2008, Using new media in the secondary English classroom, in Handbook of Research on New Literacies, eds Julie Coiro, Michele Knobel, Colin Lankshear, Donald J. Leu, Lawrence Erlbaum, New York USA, pp. 805-837.
  • Snyder, I.A., Bulfin, S.A., 2007, Digital literacy: what it means for arts education, in International Handbook of Research in Arts Education, eds Liora Bresler, Springer, Dordrecht The Netherlands, pp. 1297-1310.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2007, Literacy, learning and technology studies, in The SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research, eds Richard Andrews and Caroline Haythornthwaite, Sage, London, pp. 394-415.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2007, New media and cultural form: narrative versus database, in Teaching Secondary English with ICT, eds Anthony Adams and Sue Brindley, Open University Press, Berkshire UK, pp. 67-79.
  • Angus, L., Sutherland-Smith, W., Snyder, I.A., 2004, ICT and educational (dis)advantage: cultural resources and the digital divide, inEthnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and Resolutions, eds Bob Jeffrey and Geoffrey Walford, Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 45-66.
  • Snyder, I.A., Beavis, C., 2004, Introduction, in Doing Literacy Online: Teaching, Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, Hampton Press Inc., New Jersey, pp. 13-26.
  • Snyder, I.A., Angus, L., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2004, 'They're the future and they're going to take over everywhere': ICTs, literacy and disadvantage, in Doing Literacy Online: Teaching, Learning and Playing in an Electronic World, eds Ilana Snyder and Catherine Beavis, Hampton Press, Inc., Cresskill USA, pp. 225-244.
  • Angus, L.B., Snyder, I.A., Sutherland-Smith, W., 2003, ICT and education policy: cultural lessons from families, in Investigating educational policy through ethnography, eds G. Walford, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford UK, pp. 63-91.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2003, Keywords: a vocabulary of pedagogy and new media, in Classroom Interactions in Literacy, eds Eve Bearne, Henrietta Dombey and Teresa Grainger, Open University Press, Maidenhead UK, pp. 7-20.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2002, Communication, imagination, critique - literacy education for the electronic age, in Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, eds David Barton, Routledge, London UK, pp. 173-183.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2002, Silicon Literacies, in Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, eds David Barton, Routledge, UK, pp. 3-12.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2001, 'Hybrid vigour': reconciling the verbal and the visual in electronic communication, in ICT, pedagogy and the curriculum: subject to change, eds Avril Loveless and Viv Ellis, RoutledgeFalmer, London UK, pp. 41-59.
  • Snyder, I.A., 2001, The new communication order, in P(ict)ures of English: Teachers, Learners and Technology, eds Cal Durrant and Catherine Beavis, Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA Australia, pp. 111-124.
  • McConaghy, C., Snyder, I.A., 2000, Working the Web in postcolonial Australia, in Global Literacies and the World Wide Web, Routledge, London UK, pp. 74-92.
  • Snyder, I.A., 1999, Coping with change, in Supervision of postgraduate research in education, AARE, sine loco, pp. 141-145.
  • Snyder, I.A., 1999, Integrating computers into the literacy curriculum: more difficult than we first imagined, in Teaching literacy using information technology, IRA (Int Reading Association), Newark Delaware USA, pp. 11-30.
  • Snyder, I.A., 1997, Beyond the hype: reassessing hypertext, in Page to screen: taking literacy into the electronic era, Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 125-143.
  • Snyder, I.A., 1997, Page to Screen, in Page to Screen: taking literacy into the electronic era, Allen & Unwin, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. xx-xxxvi.


Bibliografia do Projeto de Pesquisa do Doutorado. 

BAKHTIN, M. Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem. Hucitec, 1999.

BAKHTIN, M. A Estética da Criação Verbal. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1992.

BUZATO, Marcelo El Khouri. O letramento eletrônico e o uso do computador no ensino de língua estrangeira: o caso Tereza. In: Intercâmbio de Pesquisa em Linguística Aplicada, 11., São Paulo, maio 2001.

_________________________. Letramentos digitais e formação de professores. In: Congresso Ibero-Americano EducaRede. Anais, São Paulo: CENPEC, 2006.

_________________________. Letramentos Multimodais Críticos: contornos e possibilidades. In: Revista Crop, dezembro de 2007.

__________________________. Letramento digital abre portas para o conhecimento. EducaRede. Entrevista por Olivia Rangel Joffily. 23/01/2003.

COSCARELLI, V. & RIBEIRO (Org.). 1.ed. Letramento digital: aspectos sociais e
possibilidades pedagógicas. Belo Horizonte-MG: CEALE/UFMG, 2005.248p.

COPE, Bill & KALANTZI, Mary (eds.). Multiliteracies: literacy learning and the design of social futures. Londres: Routledge, 2000.

Cumming, Alister. Alternatives in TESOL Research: Descriptive, Interpretive, and Ideological Orientations. Tesol Quarterly, vol 28, number 4, winter, 1994.

Erickson, F. Qualitative Methods in research on teaching. In: Merilin C. Wittaock, (ed.). Handbook of research on teaching. Ny.: MC Millen & Callier, 1986.

FILATRO, Andrea Cristina. Design instrucional contextualizado: educação e tecnologia. São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2003.

_______________. Design instrucional na prática. São Paulo: Pearson/Prentice Hall: 2008.

GRAVES, K. Designing Language Courses: a guide for teachers. Londres: Heinle & Heinle. 2000.

__________. Teachers as course developers. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

HUTCHINSON, Tom & Waters, Alan.  English for Specific Purpouses: a Learning- Centred Approach. Cambridge University Press. 1987.

KELLNER, Douglas & KIM, Gooyong. You tube, Critical Pedagogy, and Media Activism, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. Canadá: Rutledge, 2010.

LANKSHEAR, C. & SNYDER, I. with GREEN, B. Teachers and Techno-Literacy: Managing Literacy, Technology and Learning in Schools. Malaysia: SRM Production Services. 2000.

LÉVY, Pierre. Cibercultura. Rio de Janeiro: Editora 34, 1993 

__________. As tecnologias da inteligência: o futuro do pensamento na era da informática. Rio de Janeiro: Editora 34, 1999. 

__________. A inteligência coletiva: por uma antropologia do ciberespaço. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2000.

O'REILLY, Tim. What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. Disponível em:

PALLOFF, R.; and PRATT, K. Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom: the realities of online teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.

Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas - Aprendizagem, ensino, avaliação. Porto: Edições ASA, 2001.

SALGADO, Maria U. C. (2002). Materiais Escritos nos Processos Formativos a Distância. Disponível em: Acessado em: 15/maio/2012.

TAPSCOTT, Don. Geração Digital. São Paulo, São Paulo: Macron Books, 1999.

TULGAN, Bruce. The manager’s pocket guide to generation X. Amherst: HRD Press, 1997.

UNESCO. ICT Competency Standards for Teachers, ICT competency standards for teachers: policy framework, ICT competency standards for teachers: implementation guidelines, version 1.0.  Paris: UNESCO, 2008.

VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formação social da mente. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1930/1999.

______________ . Pensamento e Linguagem. São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1934/1998.

yin, k robert. Estudo de Caso – Planejamento e Métodos. São Paulo, Bookman, 2010

Warschauer, M. Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction. In S. Fotos (Ed.) Multimedia language teaching. Tokyo, Japan: Logos International, 1996.

Warschauer, M., & Whittaker, F.  The Internet for English teaching: Guidelines for teachers. TESL Reporter, 1997.

Kern, R., & Warschauer, M. Theory and practice of network-based language teaching. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds.), Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice (pp. 1-19). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Warschauer, M. Technological change and the future of CALL. In S. Fotos & C. Brown, (Eds.), New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.

Ordem Alfabética por Tema




Autoria em EaD e o conceito de letramento digital

Letramento digital nas interações online: análise dos fóruns de discussão do programa de formação continuada em mídias na educação.

Formação tecnológica e o professor de inglês: explorando níveis de letramento digital




Por um indicador de letramento digital : uma abordagem sobre competências e habilidades em TICs

Letramento digital: O que é isso?


Letramento digital

(Multi)letramento(s) digital(is): por uma revisão de literatura crítica 

INCLUSÃO DIGITAL E COMPETÊNCIA INFORMACIONAL: estudo de usuários da informação digital1

A empregabilidade na era digital: um estudo de caso


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